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作者:新闻部    文章来源:海空神佛网    点击数:11639    更新时间:2008-6-19

    善男子 善女子,你们好。今看台湾网站,列出四十多位附佛外道,中国有个网站,列出从宋朝到至今附佛外道。我们伟大的佛陀一生,外道修行五年,菩提树下坐六年,苦行成道。过去世一直修行外道,如忍辱仙人......当国王时拜提婆达多为老师,受记提婆达多,虽出佛身血,将来成佛,对弟子说,没有提婆达多,我就证不到三十二像八十种好。而这世佛陀五年把外道一切法全部学会,融一体。菩提树下坐六年,修苦行。日食一麦,觉得还不行,着苦离乐。最后,牧羊女供养羊奶受用。五侍者见到,认为佛陀退道离去。最后佛陀,苦乐取中道,合一变妙法。证无上正等正觉。成佛后讲阿弥陀经,有一个西方极乐世界(讲有像)。讲金刚经无我像,无众生像,无寿者像(讲无像)。最后讲,我一法没讲,一法没立。说如来讲法者,就是谤如来(讲有像,无像,一法没讲,合一变妙法,而证法报化三身)。可见佛陀也是从一个外道证佛果位(如弟子,舍利弗,目健连......)。又有多少人,从气功,健身,外道,仙道中过来学佛。本来无佛无魔,都是心动而现。佛陀讲,只有成佛,才知是佛是魔。六祖慧能讲,修行人不见世间过啊。佛陀是先修外道,再修禅定,善,再合一变妙,证果。(诸恶莫作,众善奉行)。 




3HaiKongGodBuddha Instruction3

HaiKongGodBuddha explain attached to buddhism externalists
Hello, Good man and Good women.

Look at the TaiWan website. Listed more than forty the attached to Buddhism externalists, there has a website in china. Listed these attached to Buddhism externalists from the Song Dynasty to the present. Our great Buddha in his lifetime, was practiced the externalists about five years, under bodhi tree sit for six years, ascetic practices to be enlightenment. He always practiced externalists in past lives, such as patience immortal…… When he was a king and thanks to Tipudaduo as a teacher. Vyakarana Tipudaduo. although spilling a buddha's blood. will becoming Buddha in the future and said to his disciples that if no Tipudaduo I couldn’t achieved the thirty-two as well as the eighty. And Buddha has spent five years to learning all dharma of externalists, melts for oneness. under bodhi tree sit for six years, practiced ascetic practices. one day one wheat, still felt no good, obsession with bitterness and far away from happiness. Finally, received the shepherdess provide for ewe's milk as well. when the five attendants looked for that, think about that the Buddha gave up ascetic practices and gone off. at last the Buddha take with the middle path from the bitterness and happiness. into the oneness with wonderful dharma. achieved the supreme enlightenment in Buddhism. After Buddhahood starting to speak Amitabha sutra, there has a western paradise. (for imaged). speak Diamond sutra without I like without beings like, without life like. (speak no image). In the end said, I am no speak one dharma, no create one dharma. Say the Buddha to speaker dharma, is that slander Buddha. (speak imaged, no image, no say one dharma, in the oneness to be wonderful dharma, achieved three bodies of the Dharmakāya, Samboghakaya and personification.) Visible the Buddha achieved enlightenment status also is from one externalists too. such as disciple,Sariputta,Maudgalyayana…. and how much persons, come to studying dharma was from qigong, fitness, Heretics, Sendoh. Essentially no Buddha no Demon, always show out by heart move. The Buddha said only be enlightenment, just know that who is Buddha who is demon. Six patriarch HuiNeng said, the practiced person don’t see the fault in the world. the Buddha was practiced the externalists at first then practiced dhyana and meditation, kindness, again into the oneness be wonderful. achieved enlightenment. (Don't do all evil, to do all good

The story of Buddhist scripture: The disciples asked the Buddha, why you always hided Devadatta? The Buddha said: when Devadatta hurt us one times then our sangha team would continuously develop strong. (in which the secret meaning). No enlightenment before is for blind to training and blind to practice, after enlightenment is call true practice. If no blind to training and blind to practice, how to get enlightenment. After enlightenment and broken the one point ignorance, got the one point dharmakaya. In the end achieve supreme enlightenment. (Note: some monks said: take off the sand only the rest is gold. GodBuddha said: I want the sand to be gold.). If the sand couldn’t be the gold, so why the Buddha pour before the ship. even if the void dharma realm was waste water, also I want to with my own a drop of clear water, take them to purify. since my own nature is the sea, all beings of the void dharma realm is a drop of water.) Don’t worry that no purify them.

Good man and Good woman, Twenty-first Century is belong to our China. How much sages and wise man came into the world. In Europe and the United States Countries that even if they want to pay the dollars of a car and can’t invited the sage and wise man in China. Various countries in the world, great to provide for China. Sage with wise man, help the poor countries finally, all beings of the voids dharmadhatu with the world, becomes to charitable person world, sea of bitterness becomes to lotus pond.





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